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State and Local Contracting

Assess and Prepare Your Business

If you’ve never filled a government contract before, it’s best to start at the state and local level. State and local government prefers to work with established, reliable businesses. Your small business must meet some basic requirements and complete several registrations to compete for state contracts.

Market Research

To sell products or services to the State of North Carolina, you need to understand what the state purchases and how they make purchases.

Use the following resources to determine if there is a market for your product or service.

Basic Requirements for State Vendors

Your business must have a valid Employer ID Number (EIN/TIN) to register in the state procurement systems. You can find tax information, tools, and resources for businesses and the self-employed at the phone number or link below, including how to obtain an EIN for your business.

Entities desiring to do business with the state must provide correct taxpayer information on North Carolina specified forms. Use the NC Substitute W-9 Form to submit or modify your taxpayer information to the state.

Register your business with the state vendor procurement systems

Identify your business’s United Nations Standard Products and Services Codes (UNSPSC). You will need to know these codes to register in the state procurement systems.

Vendors wishing to register to receive purchase orders, get public bidding invitations, or become a Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) Certified vendor for the state of North Carolina should complete the registration process through the NC electronic Vendor Portal (eVP).

Learn how to bid on existing contracts

The North Carolina Business Invitation Delivery System (NC BIDS) is North Carolina’s new electronic bidding system. NC BIDS provides vendors the opportunity to respond electronically to specified solicitations.

Marketing Strategies

Learn how to market your small business to the purchasing department or prime contractor.

Additional Training and Information

The NC Division of Purchase and Contract governs procurement for state agencies, community colleges, universities, and some local government entities. This agency ensures that the state acquires the goods and services it needs to operate at fair costs and effective uses of taxpayer dollars.

Follow the link below for training resources, procurement regulations, bid opportunities, vendor forms, statewide term contracts, and more.

Ready to take the next step?

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