Our highly trained business counselors work with businesses in every phase of the business life cycle, from launch to growth to exit planning.
Our highly trained business counselors work with businesses in every phase of the business life cycle, from launch to growth to exit planning.
In the growth phase, your sales and revenue are increasing, but you may feel overworked, need more staff with specific know-how, or need help delegating tasks. Your business is in the growth phase if all or most of the following apply:
Most businesses die of indigestion, not starvation. We can help you manage your business’s growth the right way.
The SBTDC’s Digital Marketing Guide is designed to help businesses get started with digital marketing. It takes a holistic approach, starting with strategy and then considering various tactics.
The Digital Marketing Guide also includes worksheets and other tools to help businesses with their process.
This guide serves as a resource for individuals seeking start-up financing, businesses hunting for expansion capital, and organizations that aid small businesses in obtaining financing in North Carolina.
“The SBTDC has helped with the growth aspect and with the financing and everything. It’s like an engine, it’s all moving parts.”