
Our highly trained business counselors work with businesses in every phase of the business life cycle, from launch to growth to exit planning.

Could your business benefit from transition phase business counseling?

If you have a successful, medium-sized business, you need to determine what will happen to it when you exit. Transition phase counseling involves establishing effective leadership, developing new management, and harvesting your wealth.

Your business may need transition phase counseling if all or most of the following apply:

  • You need to establish or update a succession plan.
  • You need to establish or update an exit plan.
  • You do not know your business’s valuation.
  • You are ready to harvest your wealth and transition out of the business.

According to Christopher Snider’s Walking to Destiny, 70% of business owners do not have an exit strategy. As a result, only 20% of businesses in the transition stage are successfully sold.

SBTDC Business Transition Counseling Services

Guide to Selling a Small Business

The SBTDC’s Guide to Selling a Small Business contains an overview of the key steps and documents involved in the sale of a small business. Topics include: advisers, pre-sale documents, valuation, finding the right buyer, the selling memorandum, forms of transactions, negotiations, due diligence, and more.

View The Guide

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