SBIR/STTR Agency Open Funding Opportunities
Aug 7, 2023
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Aug 7, 2023
A plethora of SBIR/STTR funding opportunities are either open now or will be in the near future. Below are several opportunities with links to the agency funding websites.
The PHS 2023-2 omnibus solicitations of the NIH, CDC, and FDA for the SBIR and STTR programs are now available. The first application due date is Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
Solicitations for the DOE SBIR/STTR program are open. A letter of intent is due to be submitted to DOE by 8/28 and full proposals are due on 10/10.
Solicitation for proposals was released on 7/7/23. Phase I proposals for USDA are due by 9/19/23.
NIFA’s SBIR/STTR programs offer 10 topic areas that are intended to permit a broad spectrum of eligible and innovative science- and technology-based small businesses to compete for funding. You can review that list here.
Small businesses can submit a Project Pitch at any time. Small businesses that have been invited to submit a full proposal can submit a proposal based on that Project Pitch at any time during one of the submission windows. The current window is July 6 – November 1, 2023. Solicitations are available here.
Phase 1 submissions are due 8/23. Click here for funding opportunities.
Pre-solicitations for DoD’s SBIR 23.3 / STTR 23.C round will open on 8/23. Full solicitations will open on 9/20 and proposal are due on 10/18. Click here for more information.